
High School - Japan, Korea, USA, Singapore and the Philippines

Japanese High School

  • 243 number of school days in a school year.
  • Cleaning time 15 mins/day all students
  • On time
  • 20 mins recess 

Korean High School
  • 225 number of school days in a school year.
  • 13 hours of study per day. 8:00am - 11:00pm or some till midnight or 2:00am 
Singapore High School
  • 236 number of school days in a school year.
USA High School
  • 180 average number of school days in a school years. (Depends upon each state)
  • 8 hours of study per day.
  • Teachers stayed in school 36 - 42 hours per week.
Philippine High School
  • 180 minimum number of Students-Teachers contact days in a school year to possible 200.
  • 8 hours of study per day.
  • 9 hours of study per day for vocational high school.
Click below and see the other countries

Philippines and Grading System

Finland no. 1


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Mahiwagang Mensahe