Showing posts with label volacanoes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label volacanoes. Show all posts


10 Famous Volcanoes

Mt Pinatubo (June 12, 1991)

Whatta mouth?!

Now a beautiful tourist spot.

This Pinatubo photo coutesy of Yahoo.

These known as most destructive volcanoes in our planet.
1. Mt. Vesuvius - Italy
2. Mt. Krakatoa - Indonesia
3. Mt. St. Helens - USA
4. Mt. Tambora - Indonesia
5. Mt. Mauna Loa - Hawaii
6. Mt. Pelee - Martinique
7. Nevado del Ruiz - Colombia
8. Mt. Pinatubo - Philippines
9. Thera - Greece
10. Eyjafjallajokull - Iceland