Showing posts with label Ruby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ruby. Show all posts


Ruby - Basketball Filipina Beauty

Ruby is one of the gorgeous basketball player in the world like World Famous Sue Bird and Ruth Riley-USA, Lauren Jackson-Australia, most beautiful Elina Babkina of Latvia, Sui Feifei -China. While in Japanese cartoon anime is Aruko the cute girl in Slamdunk. And in Japanese drama series One Liter of Tears main character Erica Sawajiri as Aya Ikeuchi played the real true to like role of Aya Kito. Aya Kitō proved her courage and positive attitude towards an uncertain future when suffering such an illness, spinocerebellar atrophy. Who loves to play basketball.
Now lets go back to Ruby is a cute basketball player, who played with great poise. Good shooting skills. I remember in Angeles Philippines Stake Center basketball game we played pick up street ball game with the local boys down there. Being our team is mix with a pretty girl Ruby who made a shot from top of the key, simply amazing. At college years I heard she also joined basketball to represent their department and I saw the proof that she really played with a big heart in games of basketball in the school. Couple of his brothers played in our team. Monte the eldest brother joined our Champion team Bulaon Nephi Green Archers while her younger brother Odylon played with me and my youngest brother the Kid. Odylon one time he made a best 28 points versus Capaz Saints. Ruby supported her brothers and our team cheering us. We thank her and give her a great recognition as part of our great basketball team.