What can I do to protect myself from getting sick? Good health practices when the is sickness in the home.
- Teach your family to wash their hands with soap OFTEN Help the children to wash their hands and upper arms singing Happy Birthday, Bahay Kubo (Philippine Children Song) or Popcorn popping song and have them wash until they sing the full song then rinse well.
- Clean up all trash and junk piles, these areas make great homes for rats, rodents and mice and they carry disease.
- Eat foods that are high in vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Drink a lots of liquids, eat good meals and get a lot of rest.
- If any member of the family is sick / has fever do not let them go to work or school you should self quarantine / or go into insulation.
- Stay away from other people that are or have had sickness or fever in there homes. Add a couple drops of plain household bleach to your dish water to kill germs.
- Learn and teach your family to keep your hands away from your mouth and face, unless you are covering a sneeze. Germs spread this way.
- Teach your children to keep their fingers / hands from their nose, eyes and their personal parts of their body.
- Be sure those that are taking care of your family members (day care) follow good safety and health guidance.
- Should the person get sick or have fever you should replace there toothbrush or soak it in light bleach water and rinse really well.
- Everyone should have their own glass / cup and not drink out of another.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.
- Stay home if you are sick for 7-10 days after the symptom-free for 48 hours, whichever is longer. this is to keep from infecting others and spreading the virus further.
AH1N1 influenza A virus / flu infection can cause a wide range of symptoms, including fever, cough, sore throat, body ache, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people have reported diarrhea and vomiting associated with this flu. people with this flu also have vomiting and diarrhea. Like seasonal flu, flu in humans can vary in severity from mild to severe. Severe pneumonia, respiratory failure and even death is possible with AH1N1 flu infection. Certain group might be more likely to develop a severe illness from this flu infection, such a persons with chronic medical conditions. Sometimes bacterial infections may be occur at the same time as or after infection with influenza viruses and lead to pneumonia, ear infections, or sinus infections.
If you become ill and experience any of the following warning signs, seek emergency medical care.
In children emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:
Fast breathing or trouble breathing
- Bluish or gray skin color
- Not waking up or not interacting
- Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
- Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worst cough
- Fever with rash
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
- Sudden dizziness
- Confusion
- Severe or persistent vomiting
Take Care of Yourself by Glee
Nutrition and Mental Health
So beautiful girl :)
TC :)
oh boy =\ swine flu is really being blown out of proportion in the states. thank you for your comment! I'm actually not korean but vietnamese, chinese and french (: but ahnyoung back to you! i do love korean dramas ;)
MTM and Marco thanks for your comments. Have a nice day!
Maggie thanks a lot. Your so cute. Yes, in Asia Korean Dramas are #1 next is Japan. 3rd Hong Kong / Taiwan / China. Philippines are almost same as Mexican Dramas in style.
wonder if its gonna take over the world or not.. hope not..
take care- thanks for visiting my blog.
have a great weekend!
Thanks for dropping by my blog! (: Oooh there are 15 cases of swine flu here :( Scary.
great advice!
thanks for your comment =)
i'm afraid :(
i don't want to get ill!
but good advices :)
haha thanks! Really good advice here. It like reading through my medical textbooks all over again! haha
Ediot, Thanks a lot for your comment!
Jessica, Hope we will not have any of this in your country and my country.
Joelyne, thanks for dropping by in my site. Have a nice day.
E.motion in motion hope the swine flu (H1N1). Hope the 15 people in your country will be save from that horrible disease.
Eeli thanks for reading this things like a a medical book. My mother is a volunteer she got this stuff to the doctors in our country Philippines. Then I edited it for the people around the globe. Have a nice day to all.
Thanks for the info.. :)
thanks for the visit
denani you had a cute blog I like your basketball post ans Barbie. Thanks!
Amy thanks a lot for your comment!
Now there are lots of countries with H1N1 cases. More and more people in peril. Hope we will prevent by following this stuff stated above post.
thanks much! haha. i do love my korean dramas and taiwanese alike :D
thank you =)
Thanks for giving comments on my postings, Brad.
Do you care for link exchange? I'd love to have you as my blogger-friend :)
I hope you will stay safe and healthy.;)
Thank you for visiting my place.;))
maggie I like Korean dramas, too.
Protege and Joelyne pretty girls thank you so much for the comments.
denani I like you also to be my b logger's friend. :)
Do you have the H1N1 near you! There have been some cases in cities near ours, but none here in our city. Thank goodness! Your article reminds everyone to practice good hygiene, and to stay home when sick! I always hated when I worked in the public when folks would come out with a cold, and I would catch it! Stay healthy!
Good morning!
Salamat at napadaan ka sa munti kong tahanan,at salamat din sa iyong komentu.
Ingat at God Bless you always!
merce 78 thanks for thy comment. JoA.T.B. What a wonderful comment on my posting! Hope 2 of us will not have any symptoms of this H1N1, have a nice day.
good way to stay away from H1N1,.....
nice info,.....
"thanks for your comment"
iroel thanks for appreciating my post on H1N1.
awww thank you for the comment (: i guess my friend and i clean up well! haha.
Drink plenty of water. Drink or eat vitamin C citrus fruits like oranges, grapes, strawberries, pineapples, apples, pomelo, kalamansi, dalandan, lemon, melon, tamarind, papaya, mangoes, bananas, atis, lansones, guavas, etc.
Maggie thanks a lot!
Maggie said is important cleaning homes and surroundings is very useful so that bacteria, virus, insects, rodents, flies, dust mites and mosquitoes are least presence in our home.
Now there are 40 countries with cases of H1N1 virus.
10,000+ people now in peril. Let us do the prevention stuff.
Poorer countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America are far from ready to deal with an H1N1 pandemic. Let us pray and prevent the pandemic.
Prevention is better than cure.
Thanks for following me!
Great post...thanks for visiting my podcast page!
The Philippine Team of Asia are doing great. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Jessica thanks lots of nice and cutie dogs in your blog.
Amber and Randee more power and thank you very much.
Harigato ne, Bradpeta!
We need to spread this messages cos its around the world pandemic, more than 300 in our country and 46 in Philippines. Harigato.
Yes, I advertised this things in every social network site so that they may know what they do to prevent the said Pandemic. Thanks!
Thank you very much for your comment. Nowadays AH1N1 getting worse. Pray and do the things we learn to prevent this Pandemic.
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