Paano maiwasan ang pagkalito sa mga bagong barya ng Pilipinas. (How to avoid confusion with the new generation coins in the Philippines).

Pinakamalaki ang sampung piso ng may magaspang na tekstura sa gilid nito. (Ten-peso coin is the biggest and it has a rough texture on its side). Ang limang piso naman ay may makinis na gilid at maliit kaunti sa luma at bagong piso. (The five-peso coin have smooth edge and slightly bigger among old and new one-peso coins). Ang piso ay maliit ng kaunti sa lumang piso na may salitang magaspang at makinis na tekstura. (The new one-peso coin is little bit smaller than its old counterpart and it has alternate smooth and rough texture on its side). 25 sentimo ay sinsukat ang dating 25 sentimo at magsintulad na makinis na gilid pero ang luma ay may halong tanso. (The 25-centavo coin has same size with previous counterpart but the older one has copper content). Ang singko sentimo ay makinis ang gilid at sinlaki ng luma pero walang butas. (The five-centavo coin has smooth texture on its side and same size with the old five-centavo coin but has no hole). Ang lahat ng bagong henerasyon na barya ay di kumukupas ang metalikong kinang. (All those new generation coins were ever shiny metallic finish).